2016年5月26日 星期四

【外語學院導師制文化講座】5/31(二) 墨西哥不思議:文化,習俗,美食和旅遊景點

非常感謝所有支持 “墨西哥不思議:文化,習俗,美食和旅遊景點” 這場演說的各界賢達 ,因本場次座位有限,且目前已額滿,不便之處尚祈見諒 。
Gracias a todos los amigos, colegas y estudiantes por su apoyo a la conferencia “Las Maravillas de México”.Lamento informarles que el cupo ya esta lleno.Trataré de organizar otra en un futuro cercano.
Thanks to all friends, colleagues and students for your support toward the conference “The wonder of México”.Im sorry to inform you that it is already full. SORRY! I will try to organize another conference in the near future.

1 則留言:

  1. I just learned about this conference, I'm a NCCU student, I can't believe I missed it!


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