2010年4月10日 星期六

西班牙語電影賞析與討論會 Por que se frontan las patitas?

Thanks to all classmates for your high participation in our 西班牙語電影賞析與討論會 this saturday.

front (left to right): Brenda, Tina, Eugenia, José, Sandy, Jean
middle: Alex, Carol, Stella, Felisa, Teresa, Shelly, Sandy, Jean, Julia, WIlliam, Gloria
back: Daphne, Jeffrey.

I think it was a wonderful experience for all of us because

1. We met and knew new friends
2. We understand more about Spain and Latin American culture throught the movie
3. We increased our listening comprehension abilities by listen to some words and phrases that you studied in our class.
4. We listened to, watched and enjoyed a wonderful Flamenco dance show.
5. We learned more about Spain and Latin American point of view about life, how to resolve a problem and the most important be happy.

I would like to express my gratitude to:

1. Mr. Steve S.T. Cheng Manager of International Trade Institute for his constant support toward this activity and to make this classmates dreams come true.

2. Miss Ammy Hsiao, Coordinator of Spanish courses in International Trade Institute for her help in organizing and arranging this event.

3. Thanks to TERESA for sharing her flamento experience and for explaining some steps and history about flamenco. I am sure that all our friend  enjoyed it.

Finally THANKS TO ALL OF YOU for participated in this 西班牙語電影賞析與討論會this saturday.
¡ M U C H A S    G R A C I A S !



Tus comentarios y sugerencias son muy valiosos.