時間:上午9:22-9:25/ 13:22-13:25
1. 請事先確認您的網路以及Google帳戶可以正常運作,老師不接受任何「繳交失誤」或「網路問題」的理由。
2. 所有的學生都有權做測驗,無論您是在家(因COVID 19)或在教室。然而,如果您是在家做測驗,必須在測驗前將「居家隔離證明」寄至老師的email並說明當前狀況。
3. 請記得遵守「email規則」(班級、組別、姓名、學號、簡短說明以及附件)。任何沒有按照規則寄出的email,將不被受理。
4. 您必須在您的修課時段完成測驗(2A/3M/3A/4M/4A)。若您在其他堂課做測驗,該成績將不被採用。
5. 測驗連結將會準時開啟及關閉,控制時間是學生的責任。測驗連結將於9:25/13:25關閉。建議:將測驗於截止時間前提交,任何理由將不被接受。
Days: October 11/12/13
Time: 9:22am-9:25am /13:22-13:25
Content: Lesson 1.
1.Check that your internet and google is working well IN ADVANCE. Teacher will
not accept any claim for “delivery problems” or “internet problems”.
2. All
students will have the right to do the quiz, no matter if you are at home
(because COVID 19) or in the classroom. However, if you do the quiz at home,
You MUST send a “Health certification” to teacher’s email explaining your
situation BEFORE the quiz. Other reason will not be accepted.
to follow “writing an email rules”.
(Class, Group number, Name, Student ID, BRIEFTLY explanation and
attachment). Any email that not following this format, will be rejected.
4.You must
do your quiz in the day of your class. (2A/3M/3A/4M/4A). If you do the quiz in
another class, your grade will not be accepted.
5.The link
will be opened and closed in the exactly time. It is STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY to
control the time. The link will be closed at 9:25am /13:25. Suggestion: Send
your quiz before the time. No claim will be accepted.
Tus comentarios y sugerencias son muy valiosos.